Interested in Being a Vendor?
The Wortham Blues Festival has a tradition of having great food and music. Our goal is to provide a good variety and selection of foods with minimal duplication. While we encourage the participation of local non-profit organizations to provide food options, we will give consideration to outside vendors.
Our contact information is below.
Vendor Permit Required
Vendor Permit Required: Please see attached documents as samples for Texas Department of Health Services Vendor Permit. YOU must verify that these forms are up to date before applying for the Temporary Vendor Permit. Wortham Area Chamber of Commerce will not accept responsibility for any change in this information. This is provided purely as a guide and information as known at the time. Wortham Area Chamber of Commerce encourages you to do your due diligence in compliance with the State requirements.
This permit must be applied for 30 days in advance of event. If you do not have this permit you will be closed by the Health lnspector...he has come to our recent events.
For More Information:
The Wortham Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 185
Wortham, TX 76693