Getting Here...
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Wortham is located at the intersection of HWY 14 and HWY 27 approximately 75 miles south of Dallas, 45 miles east of Waco, 90 miles northeast of Bryan/College Station, and 175 miles north of Houston.
From Dallas...
If you're driving from the Dallas area, simply take I-45 South to Exit 219A at Richland (about 10 miles south of Corsicana) onto HWY 14. Wortham is just 11 miles further south on HWY 14.
From Waco/Austin...
If you're coming from Waco/Austin, take I-35 North to Exit 338A in Bellmead, then veer onto HWY 84 toward Mexia/Fairfield. Drive approximately 40 miles until you get to Mexia. Turn left at the intersection of HWY 84 and HWY 14, and continue on HWY 14 North approximately 6 miles to Wortham.
From Bryan/College Station...
Take HWY 6 North toward Waco. Veer right onto HWY 14 North (approximately 10 miles past Calvert), and continue approximately 50 miles on HWY 14 North to Wortham.
From Houston...
Take I-45 North to Fairfield and take Exit 198 (HWY 27 West) toward Wortham. Take a left after leaving the interstate onto HWY 27 West. Drive approximately 16 miles on HWY 27 West to Wortham.